Paweł Wojcieszak

Work Experience

  • Senior Project Engineer / KrioSystem sp. z o.o. / 2023-

    Senior Project Engineer in the team responsible for design of Cryogenic Distribution Lines for the HL-LHC upgrade at CERN.

  • R&D project engineer / Zimno Tech sp. z o.o. / 2022 – 2023

    – Development of new products (electric powered cryochamber, hyperbaric chamber) – from conceptual design to prototype. – Thermodynamic and heat transfer calculations. Selection of working fluid for low temperature refrigeration systems. – Constant improvement of existing products. – 3D and 2D CAD design (SolidWorks + PDM). – Analysis of applicable standards. – Selection of system components (valves, control system elements, measurement devices, etc.). – Experimental verification of new ideas. – Taking part in UL certification of whole-body electric cryochamber (implementation of system trace, managing critical components database, tracking changes in electrical scheme).

  • Project engineer / KrioSystem sp. z o.o. / 2018 – 2022

    – Design of cryogenic devices (liquid nitrogen and liquid helium pipelines and cryostats) and scientific equipement for scientific institutes such as CERN, ESS, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Institute of Aviation and for industry (food, chemical, medical, etc.). – Thermal and mechanical calculations. – 3D and 2D CAD design (Autodesk Inventor), writing VBA and iLogic macros for automation of modelling and drafting. – Preparation of technical reports, contact with notified bodies during verification of design and manufacturing of pressure devices (in accordance with PED). – Communication with customers and suppliers. – Selection of system components (control system elements, measurement devices, safety valves, etc.). – Supervision of manufacturing and tests (specification of pressure test, leak test and NDT criteria).

  • Researcher / Wrocław University of Science and Technology / 2015-2019

    – Research on LNG exergy recovery and energy storage in liquefied gases. – Preparation of scientific and technical analyses for industry. – Design of cryogenic devices (liquid helium systems) for GSI/FAIR, design of test stands for Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. Mechanical and thermal calculations. – 3D and 2D CAD design (Autodesk Inventor).

  • Engineer/ KrioSystem sp z o.o. / 2014

    – Preparation of as-built documentation for DNV certification of LNG fuel system for ferry. – Assisting project manager during factory assembly and on-site installation in shipyard.

Most significant projects

  • Hydrogen separation system for KSC S.A. / 2021

    Innovative biogas separation system, including hydrogen separation vessel for KSC S.A., located in Dobrzelin sugar plant. My contribution included: thermo-mechanical calculations, safety valves sizing and selection, selection of measurement and control equipment, 3D model, 2D drawings, supervision of manufacturing, supervision of on-site installation and assistance during the first experiments. More info:

  • CTL at European Spallation Source / 2019-2022

    Cryogenic Transfer Line for European Spallation Source, Lund, Sweden – two 300 metres long vacuum insulated pipelines for cold helium transfer together with auxiliary lines. CTL is part of ESS Target Moderator Cryogenic Plant. My contribution included: pressure drop calculations, thermo-mechanical calculations of pipelines, mechanical calculations of supports, safety valves sizing and selection, 3D model, 2D drawings, supervision of manufacturing. More info:

  • Transfer Line for CO2 cooling unit in the Tracker Integration Facility; UT&Velo pipelines for CERN / 2019

    High pressure CO2 vacuum insulated pipelines for particle detectors cooling at CERN. My contribution included: thermomechanical and thermal calculations of pipelines, 3D model and 2D drawings preparation, supervision of manufacturing process.

  • HIPERGOL – hypergolic fuel supply system / 2018-2019

    Rocket engine fuel supply system for Institute of Aviation, Warsaw (mechanical calculations of pressure vessel, safety valves sizing and selection, selection of measurement and control equipment, 3D model, 2D drawings, supervision of manufacturing, contact with notified body and Pressure European Directive conformity assessment, supervision of on-site installation).

  • Research projects at Wrocław University of Science and technology / 2015-2018

    Research projects with my contribution include: “Optimization of power supply systems for marine, road or rail transport that use natural gas in liquid form” (in cooperation with Remontowa LNG Systems shipbuilding company); “Development of plate heat exchangers for liquid inert gas vaporization, and the modelling of the two-phase flow in heat exchangers – Task 4: Applications of LNG vaporization” (PHEVAP – part of the Poland—Taiwan scientific cooperation); Design of 2 cryostats for cryogenic system of FAIR SIS100 accelerator. Read more:


– Wrocław University of Science and Technology: Mechanical Engineering – Refrigeration and Cryogenics – Master of Science (2014)

– Wrocław University of Science and Technology: Power Engineering – Municipal Power Engineering – Bachelor (2013)

– NTNU Trondheim, TU Dresden, WUST Wrocław – European Course of Cryogenics (2013)

– WUST Wrocław, VŠB Ostrava, SUT Trnava – International Summer School “Selected issues of safety engineering and exploitation of nuclear power plants in the context of EU energy policy” (2012)


– Cryogenics and refrigeration, Thermodynamics, Heat transfer, Mechanical engineering.

– Project management, Teamwork, Problem solving, Decision making.

– CAD and CAE software: Inventor, AutoCAD, SolidWorks, OpenFOAM, ANSYS, midasNFX, Bentley AutoPipe, MathCAD, ASPEN Hysys, VBA.

– Language Skill: English, German (basic), Polish (native)

Most cited scientific publications

– “Exergetic analysis, optimization and comparison of LNG cold exergy recovery systems for transportation” P.Dorosz, P.Wojcieszak, Z.Malecha, “Entropy” 20 (1), 59

– “Investigation of a working fluid for cryogenic energy storage systems” P.Wojcieszak, J.Poliński, M.Chorowski, “IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering” 278 (1), 012069

– “Cryogenic energy storage system coupled with packed-bed cold storage”, P.Wojcieszak, Z.Malecha, “E3S Web of Conferences” 44, 00190

– “Performance analysis of small-scale power cycles for LNG physical exergy recovery” W.Gizicki,, T.Banaszkiewicz, P.Wojcieszak, Z.Rogala “IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering” 502 (1), 012146

Certifications, conferences, awards